Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)



Disusun Dan Diajukan Guna Memenuhi Tugas Terstruktur
Mata Kuliah: Materi dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD/MI
Dosen Pengampu: Rina Heriyanti, M.Hum

Siti Durotun Nashihah          (102335076)

Tarbiyah 5 PGMI-B



Mata Pelajaran            : English
Satuan Pendidikan      : Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Kelas / Semester          : VI/ 1
Waktu                         : 40 menit (2 kali pertemuan)
Kompetensi Dasar
Siswa mampu memahami tentang biografi tokoh penulis novel Laskar Pelangi, yaitu Andrea Hirata
1. Membaca biografi tokoh Andrea Hirata dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Menghafal vocab baru tentang bahasan biografi.
3. Meneladani sifat baik dari Tokoh Andrea Hirata.
Materi Standar
Teks biografi tentang Andrea Hirata.

Metode Pembelajaran
1.      Pendekatan kooperatif learning (pembelajaran kelompok)
2.      Pembelajaran berbasis TIK
3.      Melihat video dan Film Laskar Pelangi yang diambil dari novel karya Andrea Hirata.
4.      Tanya jawab
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1.     Kegiatan Awal
a.    Menciptakan lingkungan : Salam pembuka, dan berdoa.
b.    Pretes : Peserta didik menjawab beberapa pertanyaan tentang tokoh-tokoh penulis Indonesia.
2.    Kegiatan Inti
a.       Pengorganisasian : Kelompok kecil
b.      Prosedur Pembelajaran :
·      Siswa diberikan teks tentang Andrea Hirata.
·      Siswa membaca teks bacaan dibimbing guru.
·      Siswa mencari vocab yang baru.
·      Menggali Isi bacaan teks.
·      Melihat Video tentang Andrea Hirata
c.       Pembentukkan Kompetensi
·      Pertemuan pertama : Membaca teks dan memahami isi nya.
·      Pertemuan kedua : Memahami tentang hikmah membaca biografi Andrea Hirata
3.      Kegiatan Akhir
a.       Setiap akhir pembelajaran diadakan pertanyaan yang ditujukan pada siswa mengenai pembahasan yang baru di ajarkan.
b.      Melihat Film Laskar Pelangi yang diambil dari novel karya Andrea Hirata
Sumber Belajar
Sumber belajar yang digunakan dalam pembelajran ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1.      Software pembelajaran
2.      Teks biografi tentang Andrea Hirata.
3.      Gambar dan video tentang Andrea Hirata.
Penilaian dilakukan melalui penilaian proses, tes lisan dan portofolio:
1.      Penilaian proses dilakukan melalui pengamatan pada saat peserta didik melakukan kegiatan seperti saat membaca biografi.
2.      Tes lisan dilakukan melalui tanya jawab tentang kegiatan yang baru dilakukan peserta didik dengan indikator kompetemsi yang akan dicapai dalam pembelajaran.
3.      Penilaian Portofolio adalah membuat kliping tentang Idola siswa serta diberikan alasannya.
Biography of Andrea Hirata-Authors Novel

Andrea Hirata, Biografi, novelis, penulis

Andrea Hirata Seman Said Aaron was born on the island of Belitung October 24, 1982, Andrea Hirata itself is the fourth child of the couple Seman Said Harunayah and NA Masturah. He was born in a poor village, including the village and its location on the island farthest enough Belitong. Living in a village with all the limitations are quite affecting personal Andrea childhood. He claimed to get more motivation from his surroundings that many shows apprehension.
Hirata is not really giving the name of both parents. From birth he was named Aqil Barraq Badruddin. Feeling not match the name, Andrea was replaced with Wadhud. However, he still felt burdened by that name. As a result, he again changed his name by Andrea Hirata Seman Said Aaron since he was a teenager.
"Andrea is taken from the name of a woman who is determined to commit suicide when the singer idol, Elvis Presley did not reply to that letter," said Andrea.
While Hirata was taken from the name of the village and not the name of the Japanese aspreviously supposed. Since teens then, he's started the original Belitong bears the name of Andrea Hirata. Andrea grew up like any other village children. With all the limitations, Andrea remains a jolly boy who occasionally turns into thinkers while studying at school. In addition, he also often have dreams and dreams in the future.
As he told in the novel Laskar Pelangi, Andrea went to a small school building condition is very pathetic and almost collapsed. Muhammadiyah elementary school named Andrea is admitted sufficient concern. However, in the absence of charges, he was forced to go to a school that looks more like a cattle shed. Despite the need to gain knowledge in the building that is not comfortable, she still has a big enough motivation to learn. At school it was also, he met with his companions, dubbed as the Rainbow Warriors.
At SD Muhammadiyah Similarly, Andrea met a teacher who until now very respected, namely NA (Nyi Ayu) Muslimah.
"I write books for Bu Muslimah Laskar Pelangi," Yates said firmly to reality.
Persistence Bu Muslimah to teach students who only numbered no more than 11 people turned out to be very significant for large Andrea lives. Changes in the life of Andrea, he admitted not because motivation and upbringing Bu Muslimah. Actually there Belitong Island schools that are managed by PN Timah. However, she has no right to attend school because her father who still holds the status of clerks. "The novel I wrote a memoir about my childhood, that make me to become what it is," said Andrea, who gave his novel royalties to a poor school's library.
About Muslim figure, she considered him a very inspiring life. '
We struggle to maintain schools that nearly collapsed very memorable trip of my life, "says Andrea.
Thanks Bu Muslimah, Andrea getting a boost that allows him to cover a distance of 30 km from home to school to gain knowledge. Not surprisingly, he was greatly admired figure Bu Muslimah as one of inspiration in his life. Being a writer was recognized as the figure Bu Muslimah Andrea. Since 3rd grade, she had made up her intention to become a writer in the struggle Bu Muslimah as a teacher. "When I grow up, I will write about Bu Muslimah," said singer Anggun's fans. Since then, she never stopped scribbling on paper to write the story.
After completing his education in his hometown, she then ventured to migrate to Jakarta after high school graduation. At that time, his desire to reach goals as a writer and went to college to be the biggest boost to move to Jakarta. When on the ship, Andrea getting advice from the captain to stay in the area because it is still not crowded Ciputat than in downtown Jakarta. Armed with this advice, he boarded a bus to arrive in Chester area. However, the bus driver turned out to escort him to Bogor. Absurdly responsibility, Andrea then begin his new life in the rainy city.
Luckily for her, she was able to obtain a job as a post office sorter Bogor. On the basis of her hard work, she managed to continue her studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. Feeling the college is one of his goals since he departed from Belitong. After
graduated and earned a bachelor's degree, she was also able to get a scholarship to continue his education S2 Economic Theory at Universite de Paris, Sorbonne, France and Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
Thanks to a brilliant brain, Andrea graduated cum laude status and be able to achieve a Master of the European Union. Upon returning to their homeland, Andrea worked at PT Telkom and dressing he worked as an employee of Telkom. Today, she is still active as an instructor at the telecommunications company. During the work, the intention to become a writer was still buried in his heart. Intention to write increasingly tempestuous after he became a volunteer in Aceh for tsunami victims. "When I saw the devastation caused by the tsunami, including the destruction of schools in Aceh," recalls the man who does not have a literary background.
Conditions of schools that have been destroyed then reminded of his past SD Muhammadiyah is also virtually collapsed despite not because of a natural disaster. The memory of Bu Muslimah figure was back to haunt his mind. Return from Aceh, Andrea was steadying himself to write about his past experiences in SD Muhammadiyah and figure Bu Muslimah. "I do it only for three weeks," I'm a guy's birthday on 24 October.
700-page manuscript was then doubled to 11 pieces. A copy of the manuscript was sent to Bu Muslimah who was sick at the time. The rest was sent to his friends in the Rainbow Warriors. Not accidentally, the text that is in the laptop Andrea read by one of his colleagues who then sends to a publisher.
Bak tit for tat, the publisher was keen to issue and sell to the market. Precisely in December 2005, the book Laskar Pelangi was officially launched to the market. In a short time, Laskar Pelangi became the talk of the fans in particular literary novel. Within a week, Andrea debut novel has been able to reprint. Even within a year after its launch, Laskar Pelangi able to sell as many as 200 thousand that included the best seller. Until now, Laskar Pelangi able to sell more than one million copies.
Sales Laskar Pelangi increasingly creeping up after Andrea appeared in one television show. Even sales reached 20 thousand in a day. It is an achievement for Andrea, moreover, it is still relatively new as a novelist. Though Andrea himself admitted it is rare to read a novel before writing Laskar Pelangi. Success with Laskar Pelangi, Andrea and then re-launch the second book, The Dreamer, published in July 2006 and continued with the third book, Edensor in August 2007. In addition to the level of success in sales, she also won the Equator literature Literary Award (KLA) in 2007.
Eid in Belitong. Now, she is very busy with writing and speaking activities in a variety of events related to the world of literature. His income also includes the most highly as a writer. However, some had doubts about the contents of the novel Laskar Pelangi deemed excessive. "It's a novel, so naturally if there is a little story composed," said Andrea, who had a dream of living in Kye Gompa, the highest village in the world located in the Himalayas. His success as a writer certainly got her proud and happy for her hard work over the years.
Although busy with a fairly time-consuming activity, she was still able to spend time during Lebaran down the last. Even for Andrea, going home to Belitong when Eid is obligatory. "My parents are elderly, so every Eid I have to go home," Andrea said firmly. In Belitong, Andrea routines in touch with parents and other relatives as he takes the cake rimpak, Malay cakes are always present at the time of Eid. Although a trip to Belitong not easy, because of limited transportation options, Andrea still have homecoming every eid arrived. Moreover, if he did not get tickets to Tanjung Pandan Airport, Island Belitong, then inevitably Andrea should take 18 hours of traveling by ship.
Feeling increasingly felt proud and happy when Andrea was appointed Laskar Pelangi movie by Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza. "I believe in their abilities," he said firmly. Moreover, the film Laskar Pelangi also was watched by the number one in the country, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono recently. '
Now Laskar Pelangi has articulation wider than a book. The values ​​in Laskar Pelangi becom emore widespread, "said Andrea
Being a famous novelist probably never existed in the mind of Andrea Hirata since childhood. Striving to achieve higher education course, it is difficult at the time. However, along with the struggle and hard work endlessly, Andrea was able to achieve success as a writer's memoir of his childhood filled with apprehension.


Biography       : biografi
Authors novel : penulis novel
Born                : lahir
Island              : pulau
Village             : desa
Poor                 : miskin
Motivation      : motivasi
Quite               : berhenti
Affecting        : mempengaruhi
Claimed           : diklaim
Surroundings   : lingkungan
Apprehension  : penangkapan
Really              : benar-benar
Match              : cocok
Feeling                        : perasaan
Replaced         : diganti
Felt                  : merasa
Burdened        : dibebani
Changed          : berubah
Since               : sejak
Woman            : wanita
Determine       : menentukan
Commit           : melakukan
When               : ketika
Reply               : balas
Letter              : surat
Taken              : diambil
Previously       : sebelumnya
Supposed        : seharusnya
Original           : asli
Limitations      : keterbatasan
Remains          : sisa